5 Reasons You Binge (and How to Break the Cycle)


Binge eating, emotional or compulsive eating is a struggle many people face. It often leads folks to believing they lack willpower, have a food addiction, or that something is inherently wrong with them. It’s tempting to think the solution is as simple as cutting out trigger foods or mustering up more self-discipline. But if that approach worked, you wouldn’t still be searching for answers.

The idea of “food addiction” may feel relatable, but labeling yourself as a “food addict” can actually be harmful. This mindset can trap you in a cycle of abstinence and guilt without addressing the root causes of binge eating. In fact, many eating disorder professionals and dietitians warn against this approach because it often exacerbates the issue rather than solving it.

If it’s not willpower, addiction, or a personal flaw, what drives emotional eating? Let’s break down the five most common reasons behind compulsive eating and how to address them.

1. All-or-Nothing Thinking

Have you ever started the day with the intention of being “perfect” with your eating, only to feel like a failure because you had one unplanned snack? This all-or-nothing mindset creates a toxic spiral where one misstep turns a “good day” into a “bad day.”

The reason this mindset can lead to bingeing is that often the criteria for a “good day” is perfection and the criteria for a “bad day” is having one thing go wrong. And when we label a day as “bad” we often lean into it since the day is “ruined” anyway.

To overcome this, try reframing your mindset: small deviations from your plan don’t equal failure—they’re a normal part of life. Practice acknowledging all of the things that went right in the day instead of stressing over the missteps. It can even be helpful to have planned treats in a day to help prevent you from having the expectation of perfection.

2. Scarcity Mentality

When you tell yourself certain foods are “off-limits” or vow to “never again” eat something, it can trigger a scarcity mindset. This often leads to rebellion, where you eat even more of the restricted food, telling yourself it’s the “last time.” Check out this video to learn more about this dynamic and how to solve it:

3. Under-eating During the Day

It may seem counterintuitive, but binge eating is often driven by under-eating earlier in the day. When you don’t eat enough, your body compensates by intensifying cravings and hunger later on. This is a big part of what drives something called a “Binge-Restrict Cycle” where folks will try to eat less to make up for a binge.

To combat this, focus on nourishing your body consistently throughout the day with balanced meals and snacks that include protein, fiber, and healthy fats. It is really important to fight the urge to compensate for a binge by being “extra good” or skipping meals the next day because that ultimately sets you up for your next binge.

I cannot stress how powerful this strategy is. I have yet to work with a client who has not seen an improvement in the frequency of their bingeing when they started eating more during the day.

4. Emotional Coping

Using food to cope with emotions isn’t inherently bad—it works, which is why so many of us do it. From infancy, food is tied to comfort and soothing. However, problems arise when food becomes your only coping tool. And this issue gets worse when we feel shame about using food as a tool for managing emotions because not only does it make your coping tool ineffective, using it also worsens emotional dysregulation.

Diet culture has conditioned us to believe food should only be used as fuel, but it’s okay for food to bring comfort and joy. The key is to destigmatize the use of that tool and to expand your emotional toolbox to include other strategies for self-soothing.

Not sure which non-food coping strategies to experiment with? Check out this free guide:

5. The Pleasure Drought

For many people, food is their primary source of pleasure because it’s accessible, reliable, and requires little effort. When attempting to “eat healthier,” people often eliminate foods they love, replacing them with bland, unsatisfying options.

This creates a dilemma: prioritize health but feel deprived, or enjoy food and feel physically uncomfortable. The solution? Strike a balance by incorporating both nutrient-dense and pleasurable foods into your diet. Additionally, if food is your only source of pleasure right now, then try to find other ways to bring pleasure back into your life.

A Bonus Factor: Could It Be ADHD?

One often-overlooked driver of binge eating is ADHD. It has been stimated that up to one-third of people with struggling with binge eating also have ADHD, though the condition is widely underdiagnosed. ADHD-related impulsivity, difficulty with emotional regulation, and sensory-seeking behaviors can all contribute to binge cycles.

Learn more about the connection between ADHD and binge eating here:

Final Thoughts

If you’re struggling with binge eating or emotional eating, know that it’s not about willpower, addiction, or a personal flaw. At its core, binge eating is often a response to unmet needs. Whether it’s emotional support, physical nourishment, or sensory pleasure, addressing these underlying needs is essential for lasting change.

The abstinence approach of avoiding trigger foods may offer short-term relief, but it doesn’t address the root causes of the behavior. Long-term success comes from meeting your needs in sustainable, supportive ways. By understanding the factors that contribute to emotional eating, you can develop strategies that truly work for you.

Healing your relationship with food is possible. Start by identifying which of these factors resonate most with your experience and take small, compassionate steps toward meeting your needs. You’ve got this!
